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Sari Hornstein

Sari Hornstein is a 17th century English naval and economic historian. She is also a free-lance writer on topics relating to The Mysteries of the Special Needs Child, that encouraged parents to see their children’s disabilities as a window into the developing mind. Among other things, her articles addressed learning disabilities, depression, post-secondary education opportunities in Maryland, and the transition process: After the School Bus Stops Coming… It’s Not As Scary As You Fear! Her articles have appeared in Washington Parent, Metroparent (Milwaukee), Baltimore’s Child, and have been posted on various websites.

Sari has served or serves on several Boards: The Ivymount School; ArtStream, an inclusive theatre company; the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; the Advisory Board of the Institute for After School Development, an affiliate of the All Stars Project, that focuses on after school and youth development; and the Quality Advisory Committee of SEEC, a DDA licensed agency that serves adults with disabilities in Maryland. She has supported and advocated for families with children with disabilities for the past 30 years in her capacity as mother of a young man with Autism. Sari graduated from McGill University (BA1978), the London School of Economics (MSc 1980) and Leiden University (PhD 1985).

Sari’s son, Alex, has been involved with ArtStream since 2009. He performs with the Inclusive Theatre Companies and participates in classes. Sari served on the ArtStream Board for two terms, from 2013-2019, and was Vice President from 2016-2019. Sari co-led the Executive Director search in 2015-2016, and served as Co-ED with Pamela Brown for nine months. Sari provided much of the writing for ArtStream’s new website.