Headshot of Vadim Baryshev smiling in a white shirt

Vadim Baryshev

Vadim Baryshev has been with ArtStream since 2007. He started performing at Imagination Stage and joined ArtStream later. Vadim loves to participate in ArtStream productions and enjoys working with ArtStream’s cast. Vadim is a member of a Public Policy Committee at Arc of Montgomery County. He is a relentless advocate for people with disabilities. He attended numerous Maryland Legislative meetings, met with Maryland’s Senators and Representatives, and attended public rallies in Washington, D.C., advocating for the rights and needs of people with disabilities. Vadim likes reading and listening to classical and contemporary music. Vadim also enjoys bowling. He hopes to one day fulfill his destiny to find an ideal companion. He loves to work with Natalie Zanin – his favorite director. “Very thankful to Natalie Zanin for being my long time tutor no matter what.”