Headshot of a smiling woman.

Shelley Belgard

Shelley is 49-years-old and has been performing in ArtStream productions since its beginning, over 15 years ago. Before that, she performed in productions put on by Bethesda Academy of Performing Arts (BAPA). Her first acting experience was as a Lost Child in Peter Pan when she was in elementary school. Although the role was a small one, she loved playing the Lost Child and became hooked on acting. When she was in high school, she was in a summer production of Jesus Christ Super Star at American University, and she also performed in a cutting of A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream at the DC Shakespeare Theater. Besides loving to act, Shelley loves to read. Also, she is enthusiastic about karate, and take classes twice a week. Shelley enjoys playing bocce, going bowling, and have participated in Track and Field in Special Olympics. In addition to spending time with her hobbies, at Comfort Care she assembles age-appropriate supplies in backpacks for children who are going into foster care. The backpacks are sent all over the United States. She would like to thank the ArtStream staff and volunteers for making it possible for her to be in theatre productions, her Target staff for their support and for providing transportation to rehearsals and productions, and her family and friends for watching her shows. And thanks to everyone for cheering her on!