Strategic Plan Priorities: 2017-2019
Thank you to the 76 family members, participants, teaching artists, and volunteers who completed ArtStream’s Strategic Planning Survey in January 2017. The Board of Directors and staff are grateful for your input. Your ideas and perspectives are vital to our continued growth. We look forward to your continued involvement as ArtStream implements the 2017-2019 Strategic Plan.
Strategic Plan Priorities FY17-19
Through collaborative performance and lifelong learning opportunities, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities gain the skills and confidence to engage with the world.
We believe that when people make their own choices and are engaged, stimulated, challenged and inspired, they surpass both their own and others’ expectations.
To build an inclusive world where everyone can perform their art out.
Priority # 1 – Improving and Expanding Programs
- Maintain 6 Inclusive Theater Companies (ITCs) in MD and VA
- Expand classes and workshops throughout the metro region
- Develop cabaret class and performance opportunity: starts 9/17
- Maintain and strengthen program quality through training and curriculum development for teaching artists
Priority #2 – Community Building
- Develop an outreach strategy to cultivate current and future ArtStream participants
- Target high school students and adults 18-22
- Target potential interns and teaching artists
- Recruit and train program volunteers/intergenerational volunteers
- Develop program to include qualified people with IDD in volunteer opportunities
- Develop networking and sharing programs for parents/caregivers, and teaching artists
- Coordinate website/social media/newsletter strategy
Priority #3 – Growth
- Strengthen and grow the ArtStream donor base
- Develop foundation, government and corporate grant opportunities
- Expand merchandise and increase sales (T-shirts, tote bags, notecards, books)
Find costume/set storage solution: completed 8/17
Priority #4 – Strengthen our Organization
- Develop Board of Directors and provide pre-Board leadership opportunities: two new board members elected 7/17
- Strengthen staff team
Move to accessible office space: completed 8/17- Obtain Maryland Nonprofits Standards of Excellence accreditation